Want to see a play, have a few drinks, and dance with cute strangers? Of course you do! Which is why you should check out the parties I'm throwing at Berkeley Rep this week:

  • On Wednesday (December 1), there's night/OUT, a free party for the LGBT community. Grab a ticket to Lemony Snicket's The Composer is Dead that night (psst: use the code NIGHT online to get 20% off, or 50% if you're under 30), then stick around and enjoy the party! We'll have beer, wine, tequila, and plenty of sweet and savory snacks from local sponsors--and it's all free! DJ Pauline will be spinning records (or, you know, queuing up MP3s) and you're basically guaranteed a good time.
  • On Friday (December 3), come back for 30-Below, a free party for the under-30 crowd. Get a ticket (use the code WEB30 and it's half-price), see the show, and stick around for drinks, dancing, food, and more. Under 30 and a member of the LGBT community? Come to both! (Ok, probably not. But I'd totally give you a medal for being hardcore if you did.)

If that wasn't incentive enough, you'll almost certainly run into me there. I'll be the one making my panic face.